Hello Beautiful Souls! Today, let’s talk about the magical world of Frozen, the musical that has captured the hearts of millions across the globe. I finally got the time to see the musical in London.

One of the things I love most about musicals is that colour doesn’t matter. It’s all about talent, and the young actress who played Elsa in the production I saw was an absolute powerhouse. Her performance was flawless and her voice was simply stunning. It just goes to show that casting should always be about finding the best person for the job, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Speaking of casting, the entire Frozen ensemble was chosen magnificently. I was so impressed with Anna, Elsa’s spunky and fun-loving sister. Her energy was infectious and her voice was beautiful. And let’s not forget about Kristoff and his trusty reindeer – they were adorable and brought a wonderful sense of humour to the show. And of course, Olaf was captured perfectly. He was just as lovable and hilarious as he is in the film.

But what I loved most about seeing Frozen was that I forgot how the story ended. It was a welcome surprise to experience the twists and turns of the plot all over again. The show kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next and not to mention the magical decor and customs throughout the show.

And can we take a moment to appreciate the incredible theatre itself? The beautiful paintings by Maria Kreyn that decorated the hall are a sight to behold. They add to the magic of the show and make the experience all the more special.

All in all, seeing Frozen the musical was an unforgettable experience. The talented cast, wonderful plot, and beautiful theatre made it an absolute joy to watch. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, heartwarming, and entertaining night out.


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