HELLO lovely people and welcome back to my blog. I wanted to blog about this lovely day I had with my family at Stonehenge. Even if it is a very touristic spot to see… it was still on my list to see and worth it!

By car it is easily reachable, however, there is no need for a car when living in London, so we went on a tour bus. Quiet relaxing, a bit long, but we went on a 2 in 1 tour to Stonehenge and Bath. I have been to Bath already and I did write a blog about Bristol and Bath, two years ago. If you would like to read it, please click here.


Why would you want to go to Stonehenge? I think it is pretty amazing that this monument dates from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Isn’t that weird, to see something from almost 5000 years ago arranged in the way it is?

Early history tells us that Stonehenge was some kind of burial and a domain for the dead. If you remove the tourists from this place (in your mind of course), it is a beautiful peaceful piece of history to see.

This historical piece is on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites, so we checked this one on our list.


My tip for you is to go in the summer or if possible (because I am not sure of the openings hours) go when the sun will set. Who doesn’t love a beautiful sunset?  A place like this makes it extra special.

Below are some beautiful pictures taken with my mobile phone: Huawei honor 10.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog post. I hope you like the pictures. When in the UK, hopefully now, you don’t have to think twice to go at least once to Stonehenge!

Till next time X Danielle

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