GERMANY | Festival camping

Hello Lovely people and welcome back to a new blog post. I hope you had a great summer and summer holiday. Here are some great tips if you are planning to go to festival camping. With the summer almost gone, this will be probably for next year.  However, this might be helpful for a “normal” camping trip as well. At least I hope so because this was my first ever camping trip. I am not a camping expert yet.

Camping is a great way to experience life outside and I would love to this again. I am sure this camping list will help beginners like me prepare for their first camping trip.

So just copy this checklist and print it out if you ever go “festival” camping or just camping somewhere sunny.

Like I said before, it is a new and amazing experience to be out in the open-air, sleeping on a nice inflatable mattress and listen to music and relax.

The only thing I forgot is to bring this time, were some warm clothes. Even in the hot summer, the nights can be very fresh and cold. So don’t be fooled by the weather forecast. It was 33 degrees Celsius in Germany and the nights were very cold.


  • Extra blanket – If you are cold easily
  • Sleeping mask
  • Comfortable socks
  • Pack of toilet paper small
  • Phone charger – Solar charger is the best
  • Tissues
  • Plastic bin bags
  • Towel – Go for the microfiber towel
  • Water bottle


  • Baby wipes
  • Face wipes
  • Mirror small
  • Hair Brush
  • Dry shampoo – Baptiste
  • Shampoo
  • Small deodorant
  • Sun crème
  • Contact solution – Important if you wear lenses
  • Day lenses
  • Glasses
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Tampons – Period stuff
  • Disposable raisers
  • Plaster – For blister
  • Hand sanitize
  • Small sprite mist spray
  • Small moisturizer
  • Hairpins and elastics


  • Cooking set – Fuel stove (only if possible)
  • Plastic knives, forks, spoons
  • Drinks
  • Muesli bars and snacks (a lot)
  • Mix for water – syrup (to change)
  • Figs dried
  • Prunes dried
  • Energy drinks
  • Juices


  • Small moisturizer
  • Q-tips
  • Lip balm – Vaseline
  • Anything really – Depends on you and the weather, but less is better


  • Leather jacket
  • Hat – Soft, easy packable
  • Festival dirty shoes
  • Sunglasses cheap
  • Extra underwear+ socks
  • Pyjama
  • Poncho for the rain
  • Trainers
  • Plan outfits for all the days and day of commute
  • Long trousers – Leggings dry fast
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Clothes for nights when it is cold


  • Mark all your stuff with your name – more likely to be turned at lost and found
  • Take a picture on your phone and set as screen saver “IF LOST PLEASE CALL THIS NUMBER AND NAME”
  • Colourful lights for at night – attach on your bag and tent
  • Always check the weather
  • Tent not facing East

Let me know how your first time camping experience went and what are your tips? I am curious to know how you experience your first time camping. I hope you find this checklist useful.

Ciao Danielle 

HELLO LONDON| Recap of March

Hello hello Lovely people here in London and around the world. So many wonderful experience and people I met last month that I just didn’t had the time to update you guys through my blogposts. I know. I started the year great with posting regularly, but don’t be disappointed. I am working on a few blogposts to catch up with you guys!

Without any further delay, grab your glass of wine and sit back to enjoy reading my blogpost about the many wonderful things I did last month.

I was lucky to participate in a project where I met so many kind and lovely people from around the world. At the moment I can’t tell so much, but when I can I will let you know how life changing this experience was for me. Stay tuned for this one!

Another fun experience was spending time with family. One of my cousin came over for a weekend with her friend and we had a blast. It was a short weekend and way too fast, but we did a lot of fun things that are now mentioned below. Thanks for that ladies !

Last month, I went to many restaurants, bars and exhibitions, so I will just put them in categories with a small review and the relevant links for you all below. There are definitely tips for you here, even if you are living in London for years. At least that is what I hope.

Drinks and Food

The lighterman

This is a lovely British gastro pub near the canal at Granary Square. Huge windows and a terrace outside makes this place a really cosy place for food and drinks with friends and family. I did enjoy the homemade burger with chips and the many beers that they serve.

Beigel Bake

This is the best Beigel with salty beef and gherkins in London. Who does not know them! Too be honest I forgot a bit how delicious the beigels are. I brought my cousin and friend there and it was like a stairway to heaven. I really did forget how GOOD it is and enjoyed every bite of it. I still don’t know why I do not go more often as I live here in London. Might be that it is not so close from home and the weather here in London has not been with us last few months. The Saturday that we went (Brexit Saturday) it was super sunny and chill to stroll around Brick lane and Shoreditch.

German Gymnasium

This place is great for dates. Once inside you will forget about the outside world. We had some delicious and fancy cocktails at the bar. The baristas there are amazing! This place makes you almost feel like James Bond. (for real) Definitely going back for a drink or dinner anytime soon.

The Grocer – Market Tavern

While strolling around with the gang, we came across the Spitalfields Market and we went for a drink at the Grocer. Lovely casual and relax place to have some beers in the afternoon. If you are around, have a drink here. By the way many delicious foods available on this market.

The Ice Wharf

This is the Wetherspoon in Camden Town. Great place for some casual drinks. This is the place to try different beers and just chill with friends or family. Also very affordable drinks and snacks, why not.

PERGOLA Paddington

I think this a great place if you are with a large group of friends and in the summer. It feels like you are on a veranda or terrace chatting away with friends. Nice thing is you can get food and drinks from different stands.


Christian Dior exhibition at V&A

Unfortunately, this exhibition is completely sold out. So if you did not get a change to see this exhibition, wait for my next blogpost. It was so worth to see this exhibition and I am happy I bought my ticket a month before. The day that I went it was super busy, but so mesmerizing. A designer pur sang. When this blogpost will be online, you are able to click HERE.

Barbican Conservatory

Check the website to see when it is open. I thought it is only a few Sundays per year open from March till end of April. We decided to stroll around the second largest conservatory to take some fun pictures with our vintage cameras. I recently bought, out of the blue, a Yashica minister 3 and a Praktica MTL3 camera to practice the use a manual camera. So much fun to use a real film again, can’t wait so see the pictures developed.

Renaissance Nudes @ RA

This exhibition is till June, so plenty of time to see this one. If you like the renaissance, you will like this one. This is really the baby steps of the nudes in paintings. Here you can see that the artist didn’t had much experience with nude models and it is slowly developing around that period.

Fun Times 

Spitalfields Market

I had no idea that this market was not too far from Shoreditch and Brick lane. We were strolling around and BAMM, just came across this lovely and creative market. A lot of food and drinks. We went for some sweets and we had some drinks at the Grocer. A lot of creative gifts at this market if you are looking for some unique gifts.

Alexandra Palace

It is a bit far, but definitely worth a visit. Most likely in summer or at least when the weather is warm and dry, so you can sit in the park and enjoy the view. It is almost as nice as the park near the observatory in Greenwich.

Comedy Club Castle

I think through EVENTBRITE UK you can find free tickets to go to this comedy club in the Castle. It can be very busy, but great way to see many stand up comedy acts in just 2 hours. I think I saw around 9 or 10 in just two hours time.

Camden Town

Camden Town is super touristic and overpriced. We all know. Still it is fun to stroll around once in awhile. Check out the stables, food stand and just have drinks at the Wetherspoon. Always something strange and crazy to find here in Camden Town.

Shoreditch Street Art

Almost the reason why everyone like and stroll around Shoreditch is the street art.

Fun fact is that they change the street art once in a while. I saw some new pieces this time. Love the atmosphere in this area when the sun is up and the weather is hot.

M&M store

Something I would not visit by myself, but happy I did because of my cousin. It is really an experience that M&M is trying to sell in their huge London store in Leicester square. Luckily it was not super busy as we went in the morning, so plenty of time and space to walk around the three floors that they have. Just for the experience it is super fun to see all the different colours and flavours that they have and all the merchandise that they sell. The staff is also super friendly. You can smell the M&M’s from outside the store.

St Dunstan Church

This is the empty church I was trying to find for a while now and finally I DID FIND IT. It is in the City of London. Between Bank station and Tower of London. Beautiful to see an empty church in a garden in between skyscrapers. It is worth a visit in the summer, so you can walk around and see so many wonderful sights around this area.

So this is it for now. As I did mention, it was a wonderful March. Many thanks for the people who could enjoy it with me.

I hope you did enjoy reading my blog and I hope you got inspired to visit at least one or two places from my blogpost, even if you know them already.


If you liked what you have just read, please rate this blog with a few stars. If you really know someone who is going to be in London or loves London, please share on Facebook.

I really appreciate the time and effort you took to read my blog. Thank you!



Hello Beautiful Souls, I recently visited the National Gallery to see the incredible exhibition titled “The Last Caravaggio.” This stunning showcase, open until the 21st of July 2024, offers a rare glimpse into the final masterpieces of the legendary artist Caravaggio. The best part? Admission is completely free! All you need to do is book your ticket in advance.

This thoughtful ticketing approach by the National Gallery is a fantastic way to ensure that the museum remains uncrowded, allowing visitors to truly immerse themselves in the beauty of the art on display. It’s a refreshing change that enhances the overall experience, letting you savour each painting without the usual hustle and bustle.

the-last-caravaggio-national-galleryThe exhibition may be small, but it is incredibly significant and exciting. It features two of Caravaggio’s last works, painted during his final years in Naples. You will see “The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula” (1610) and “Salome with the Head of John the Baptist” (1609-10). These paintings, rich with dramatic intensity and profound emotion, offer a poignant look into the artist’s state of mind during his last days.

As you step into the gallery, you’ll notice the dim lighting, carefully designed to preserve these precious artworks. Though it may take a moment to adjust, the ambience transports you to a Roman church, echoing the very spaces where Caravaggio’s art originally thrived. The paintings are accompanied by insightful letters and a detailed biography, providing a deeper understanding of Caravaggio’s life and his extraordinary artistic journey.

the-last-caravaggio-national-gallerySince the exhibition is relatively brief, I took the opportunity to explore other parts of the museum. The National Gallery houses an extensive collection of masterpieces by renowned artists such as Rubens, El Greco, and many more. Each visit unveils new treasures, making it a place you can return to time and again. The fact that it’s free means you can leisurely explore different sections at your own pace, discovering new favourites with each visit.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience Caravaggio’s last works in such an intimate setting. It’s a truly unforgettable experience that blends art, history, and emotion in the heart of the National Gallery.

#ArtLovers #NationalGallery #CaravaggioExhibition #FreeEntry #ArtInLondon #MuseumVisit #ExploreArt #MissWidjajaTravels @MissWidjaja



Hello Beautiful Souls! I had the pleasure of attending the Trevor Noah “Off The Record” standup show at the iconic O2 Arena, and let me tell you, it was an experience to remember! For just three days, Trevor graced London with his comedic brilliance, and it was nothing short of awesome.

TREVOR-NOAH-OFF-THE-RECORDTrevor Noah’s wit and sharpness were on full display throughout the show. His unique blend of comedy and insightful political views kept the audience in stitches while making us reflect on the world around us. The man knows how to deliver laughter with a punch!

What surprised me even more was the affordability of the tickets. For less than 50 pounds, I was treated to nearly two hours of top-notch entertainment. Trevor’s ability to connect with the audience and keep us engaged for such a substantial amount of time was truly commendable.

Although I regretfully forgot the name of the support act, this New York-based comedian added an extra layer of hilarity to the evening. One standout moment was when he humorously compared the cleanliness of London to the bustling streets of New York – a comedic perspective that had the entire arena in stitches.

As Trevor wrapped up the show, he graciously fielded questions from the audience, adding a personal touch to the evening. The timing of the show’s conclusion was perfect, allowing everyone to catch the tube back home without a rush.

All in all, Trevor Noah’s “Off The Record” standup show was a fantastic blend of humour, intellect, and relatability. If you ever get the chance to catch him live, don’t miss it!

Thanks for reading, and share your favourite Trevor Noah moments or your thoughts on the show!

#TrevorNoah #OffTheRecord #O2Arena #StandupComedy #LaughOutLoud #ComedyGenius #LondonEntertainment #AffordableFun #FunnyNightOut #LiveComedy #ComedyExperience #TrevorNoahLive #LondonLaughs #ComedyNights #MissWidjaja2024



Hello Beautiful Souls, I had the privilege of attending an incredible comedy show featuring the one and only Ali Wong at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith. Let me share with you the unforgettable experience I had on this delightful evening, where laughter echoed through the air and the sense of community was truly heartwarming.

London has always been a melting pot of cultures, but I was pleasantly surprised by the immense Asian community that thrives here. The Eventim Apollo was brimming with people excited to witness Ali Wong’s performance, and the diversity of the crowd was a testament to her widespread appeal.

ALI-WONG-AT-EVENTIM-APOLLOAs the lights dimmed and the stage came to life, Ali Wong graced us with her presence. Her confidence radiated, and it was immediately evident that we were in for a treat. Ali has a way of connecting with her audience that’s both relatable and captivating. What struck me the most was her ability to transform personal experiences into hilarious anecdotes. She fearlessly delved into her recent divorce, effortlessly infusing humour into what could have been a sombre topic. Her candidness and comedic prowess made the whole audience feel like we were old friends sharing stories over a cup of tea.

ALI-WONG-AT-EVENTIM-APOLLOAli Wong’s performance wasn’t just laughter-inducing; it was thought-provoking too. Her humorous take on relationships and dating made me reconsider my perspective, even though I’ve never been married. It’s amazing how comedy can be a catalyst for introspection, and Ali masterfully achieved that balance between lightheartedness and insight.

However, the surprises of the night didn’t end with Ali’s performance. The support act, Sheng Wang, took the stage before her and delivered a set that was nothing short of brilliant. Having recently watched his Netflix show, I was thrilled to see him in person. His unique style and witty observations had the audience in stitches, setting the perfect tone for the rest of the night.

All in all, the evening was a rollercoaster of laughter and connection. The way Ali Wong connected with the diverse audience and touched on personal experiences while keeping the atmosphere light was truly impressive. As the curtains drew to a close, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for such a wonderful experience that celebrated both comedy and community.

#AliWongLive #EventimApolloLaughs #LondonComedyNights #LaughterIsUniversal #ComedyCommunityLove



Hello Beautiful Souls! Last night was an absolute whirlwind as I found myself amidst the vibrant atmosphere of Wembley Stadium, moving to the rhythm of The Weeknd’s melodies on August 18, 2023. The anticipation had been building for a few weeks, and finally, the moment had arrived. With excitement coursing through my veins, I joined the sea of fans ready to immerse themselves in the sonic journey.

The stage lit up as the music reverberated across the stadium, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The palpable energy was infectious, and it was clear that everyone had gathered for one reason: to fully emerge in the music.

THE-WEEKND-WEMBLEY-2023As the night unfolded, I couldn’t help but notice a few details that caught my attention. For a venue as massive as Wembley Stadium, I was surprised to find only two small screens offering visuals to those seated farther from the stage. There were even seats behind the stage. The LED bracelets distributed among the audience were a nice touch, although they didn’t quite deliver the anticipated ‘wow’ factor. However, these minor aspects were no match for the excitement that filled the air as you can see on my Instagram highlights.

THE-WEEKND-WEMBLEY-2023One thing that did strike me was the sheer volume of the music. The beats were so intense that earplugs were a must, but this unexpected twist had a silver lining: it allowed me to immerse myself fully in the melodies. It allowed me to hear the music as it should. The Weeknd’s distinctive voice and musical artistry were on full display, forging a connection between the artist and the audience that was simply captivating. I did like it when he finally took his mask off and greeted some fans near the stage.

Although I didn’t dress up for the occasion, my enthusiasm was anything but subdued. Alongside my friend and fellow music lovers, I embraced the spirit of the night, turning it into a celebration of music and camaraderie. Our seats provided a clear view of the stage, allowing us to witness The Weeknd’s performance up close and personal. As far as it was possible with the tiny screens.

As the night progressed, The Weeknd’s chart-toppers had the entire crowd swaying and singing along. While some elements of the show might not have matched my expectations, the energy that pulsed through the stadium was undeniable. I couldn’t help but move to the tunes I recognized, caught up in the collective euphoria that only live concerts can provide.

Looking back, I realized that my perceptions may have been shaped by previous concerts I had attended, like those of Coldplay and Harry Styles. These performances set a high bar for stage presence and production value.

Nevertheless, The Weeknd’s show was a unique experience in its own right, and I thoroughly enjoyed the songs that were familiar to me.
As I pen down these words, I can’t help but smile at the memories created during that incredible night at Wembley Stadium. How many concerts did I see here so far?

The music, the crowd, the energy – they all converged to craft an experience that will forever hold a special place in my heart. Imperfections and all, it was a night of music, unity, and unrestrained joy that I will forever cherish.

#TheWeekndWembley #ConcertNights #LiveMusicMagic #WembleyExperience #MusicEnthusiast