Hello Beautiful Souls! This Friday is something I always wanted to do on a Sunday, attend a service at StPauls‘s Cathedral. Mainly to sneak a peak at the majestic architecture from the inside and to hear the organ.

If you are wondering, StPauls is an active Christian Church where you can attend service on Sunday. The only downside is you can’t take pictures and wander around. You can absorb the beauty and enjoy the sound of the organ and choir throughout the church.

Services start in the early morning. I did enjoy the afternoon service at 3 pm or the Eucharist at 5:30 pm. If you need to choose one service, go to the 3 pm. It is a great time to pop in and attend the service. The afternoon service is with the choir and organ, so you have a bit of everything.

The Eucharist at 5:30 pm is special [as in winter it is already dark outside]. The church’s inside is lightened with its chandeliers and candles. During this service, incense will be burned, which is a spectacle in itself.

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